Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment

  • The purpose of the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant is to improve students achievement by:

    • Providing all students with access to a well-rounded education.
    • Improving school conditions for students' learning.
    • Improving the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

    For our schools, Title IV, Part A funding supports 

    • Well-rounded education through specialized intervention curriculum to advance student achievement in reading, math, and science, focusing on science and STEM literacy.
    • Improving safe and healthy school conditions for student learning through a socio-emotional academic program that increases awareness of cultural diversity, relationship building, and healthy decision making.
    • Improving the use of technology in order to improve academic achievement and digital literacy for all students through computer adaptive software providing specialized and rigorous supplemental math and reading instruction.


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