School Board

  • The MISSION of the Monroe County Schools is: "Working  together  to  inspire  and  bring  excellence  to every student every day".


    1. Student Success
    2. The Whole Child
    3. Human Capital Advantage
    4. Safety and Security


    Regular meetings are held at least once a month on a Tuesday starting at 5:00 P.M. Host locations are rotated between Key West City Hall, Marathon Middle and High School, and Coral Shores High School. The agendas are available seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting. The schedule of board meetings and agendas are available at: by clicking this link. Alternatively, a hard copy of the agenda may be requested at each meeting and from the Office of the Superintendent of Schools at 241 Trumbo Road in Key West.

    A Workshop may be scheduled prior to the regular meeting. These sessions provide Board members and staff with the opportunity to fully discuss and explore proposals prior to the item being placed on the regular meeting agenda for action.

    A live video broadcast of each meeting, and the video recording of it, is available by clicking this link - the video recording is normally available on the Saturday after the meeting. Alternatively, the live broadcast is on Comcast channel 78 and will replay continuously across the weekend after the meeting.

    Citizen Input

    The School Board welcomes citizen input and recognizes public involvement as crucial to the success of the school system. Citizens have several opportunities to address issues and share information before the School Board.

    At each meeting, members of the public are invited to address the Board during the Citizen Input section prior to the adoption of the consent agenda. To speak during our Citizen Input segment, please call 305-293-1400 ext. 53323 no later than 2:00 P.M. on the meeting day. the meeting, speakers will complete the Speaker's Form.

    Persons requesting accommodation for a qualifying disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) should call 305-293-1400 ext. 53323 with their request no less than five (5) business days prior to the meeting and complete a speaker's card identifying what accommodation is requested.

    If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at a School Board meeting or hearing, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. If signing, special seating, or other accommodations are required, please call (305) 293-1400 ext. 53323 no less than three (3) business days prior to the meeting.

    Citizen Input/Request(s) to Address the School Board

    Presentations to the Board are limited to three (3) minutes for each individual speaker and five (5) minutes for the representative of a designated group. Transfer of time between individuals and/or groups is not permitted. Letters submitted to each Board Member and/or the Board Secretary prior to a Board Meeting will not additionally be read into the record at the meeting. All statements must be directed towards the Board; no person may address or question Board members individually, and Board members will not engage in a dialogue with persons making public comments. Furthermore, all speakers agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Citizen Input and will begin their presentation by stating the full name and their city or town of residence for the record.

    Note: Please be aware that all communications, including emails sent to the Superintendent, School Board members, or employees of the School District, are considered public records. (Florida Statute 119.01)

    Code of Conduct for Citizen Input

    • Persons will be recognized in the order in which the requests were received.
    • Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes, or five (5) minutes for the representative of a designated group. 
    • Transfer of time between individuals and/or groups is not permitted.
    • All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; and board members will not engage in a dialogue with persons making public comment.
    • Anger, rudeness, ridicule, obscene or profane language, impatience and lack of respect for others are not acceptable behavior.
    • Demonstrations in support or opposition to a speaker or idea such as clapping, cheering, booing, hissing, or intimidating body language are not permitted.
    • Persons representing a group or organization must present written evidence of their authority to speak for the group or organization.

    For more information see School Board Policy 0169.1: Public Participation at Board Meetings

School Board Members

  • Click here to email all members

    District 1 - Darren Horan, Vice-Chair

    Home:  305-294-4585
    Address:  Key West, Fl 33040
    District 1

    Board Member since 2022
    Occupation: Business Owner

    District 2 - Yvette Mira-Talbott, Board Member

    Home:  (305) 304-7650
    Address:  3208 Flagler Ave
    Key West, FL 33040

    District 2

    Board Member since 2024

    District 3 - Mindy Conn, Chair

    Business:  (305)293-1400 ext. 53323
    Address:  Sugarloaf, FL
    District 3

    Board Member since 2016
    Occupation: Attorney and Educator 

    District 4 - John Dick, Board Member

    Home:  305-395-0657
    Address:  58346 Overseas Highway
    Marathon, FL 33050
    District 4

    Board Member since 2006
    Occupation: Investor

    District 5 - Dr. Sue Woltanski, Board Member

    Home:  305-240-1565
    Address:   Tavernier, FL 33070
    District 5

    Board Member since 2018
    Occupation: Doctor