Title III, Part A: English Language Learners

Parent Educators

  • Parent Educators are available to assist K-12 parents communicate with school staff. They are on hand to help parents fill out school-related forms or applications and translate at school meetings. They also help parents to utilize each school's Parent Resource Center. Each Parent Educator hosts at least two Parent Meetings specifically for parents whose native language is other than English. These employees are fluent in Haitian Creole and Spanish. 
    Gerald Adams Elementary School
    Marie Brevil - Marie.Brevil@KeysSchools.com 
    Monday -  Friday
    8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
    Horace O'Bryant School
    Ileana Garcia - Ileana.Garcia@KeysSchools.com
    Monday - Friday
    8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

    Key West High School
    Monday - Friday
    7:30 AM-4:00 PM

    Poinciana Elementary School
    Alex Dorisca -Alex.Dorisca@KeysSchools.com
    Tuesday & Friday
    7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Keys Help Flyer 2022-2023

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