Pre-K and VPK in the Keys
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Strategic Improvement Plan
Our Vision Statement
Monroe County School District Prekindergarten programs (Head Start, VPK and ESE) vision is to continually improve and ignite innovation in ‘school readiness’ for all Pre-K students by educating all stakeholders, engaging families and community members, which will facilitate lifelong learning, health and wellness.
Our Mission
Working together to inspire and bring excellence every day, to be our B.E.S.T.; to provide a high-quality program in which ALL children and families can develop to their maximum potential.
Our Motto
“Be Your B.E.S.T.”
Core Values from MCSD Strategic Plan
“We promote a Sense of Belonging for all students, staff and families in the Monroe County School District Head Start Program, we create an environment where all students can find success no matter their race, ethnicity, birthplace or other preference.
We believe that Respect for ourselves and all others is essential for an effective and productive system. We are honest and trustworthy and treat effective and productive system. We are honest and trustworthy and treat others as they wish to be treated and we appreciate individual cultures and backgrounds.
We believe that Integrity must guide all of our actions in carrying out the mission of the School District and with integrity, we will retain professional, positive and build relationships with one another that promote success.
We believe that Fiscal Responsibility is fundamental to the ongoing success of our organization. Through it we can continue to allocate funds based on students’ needs with clear priorities to support the work that occurs in the classroom.”
Program Goals and Objectives
Goal #1:
Promote Academic Success:
Rigorous, Relevant, Personalized Programs to Meet Individual Student Needs.
Increase learning for all students by ensuring that every student’s potential is maximized through successful academic outcomes according to these and stand-alone school readiness goals. (As measured by progress monitoring and proficiency rates). Increase the percentage of students who are considered “school ready,” for Kindergarten who are identified in the Fall as Tier 2 who improve to Tier 1 by the mid-year screening.
Goal #2:
Develop the Whole Child:
Healthy Living, Relationships, Collaboration, Creativity.
Promote relationship building through communication and collaboration with peers and teachers. Foster student well-being both mentally and physically and promote creativity through partnerships with local arts, theater, cultural and environmental organizations.
Goal #3:
Accountable Resource Management:
The program will responsibly manage funds and continually ensure fiscal transparency, while supporting effective programing.
To ensure program transparency and proper management of grant funds and comply with fiscal requirements and regulations.
Fiscal requirements include: Florida Department of Education rules/regulations, state guidelines, Head Start Act, Head Start program policies,
District policies, Performance Standards, Uniform Guidance, and Federal regulations.
Goal #4
Safety for All:
Maintain safe environments for all and develop 100% proficiency with safety protocols and training.
Ensure that all staff and students are educated in safety protocols and procedures in the event of fire, active school shooting, unapproved entry, and
other related security concerns.