Head Start Services

  • Head Start is a national program that offers an excellent pre-school education as well as services in mental health/wellness, parent involvement / engagement, health/nutrition, disabilities and transportation for children and families.


    • Children are taught by qualified teachers.
    • The Head Start program makes two home visits and two parent/teacher conferences per year.
    • The Head Start program implements the Creative Curriculum for academics and the Al's Pals social emotional curriculum.

    Mental Health/Wellness:

    • Assist with family support issues such as domestic violence, substance abuse, or other stress related issues.
    • Provide activities that encourage the social and emotional development of children enrolled in the program.
    • Ensure mental health staff are skilled in working with children and families dealing with child behavior and family functioning.

    Parent Involvement/Engagement:

    • Volunteer in the classroom.
    • Participate in special events, parent engagement events, parent workshops and trainings .
    • Provide input into the program.
    • Participate in male involvement opportunities.


    • Promotes preventive health services and early intervention.
    • Utilize a health advisory committee composed of staff, parents, and community health professionals for support and guidance.
    • Assures Head Start students receive all required health exams and screenings within the appropriate time frame.
    • Assist parents to establish a medical and dental home for their families.
    • Menus meet USDA food program regulations.
    • The culture and religious needs of our general population are taken into consideration. Special dietary needs are given individual attention.
    • Meal time serves as social and educational activities.


    • Work with children who are dually enrolled in both Head Start and special education programs.
    • Assist families through the referral process. Locate and provide services with outside agencies for children with special needs.
    • Identify, evaluate needs, and coordinate services for children in their families with special needs.


    • Children are secured in seats equipped with child safety restraints.
    • Children are only released to individuals authorized by their parents.
    • There is at least one bus aide on board at all times to assist and supervise children.

    Social Services:

    • Provide resources and referral
    • Work together to create a family partnership goal