Exceptional Student Education
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Parent Resources and Information
Parent Education Network (PEN)/Family Network on Disabilities (FND): This resource provides programs designed to ensure that parents of children with the full range of disabilities have the training and information they need to prepare their children for not only school, but to be able to lead productive, independent lives to the fullest extent possible.
An IEP that Works for You
Developing and implementing an IEP (Individual Education Plan) is the equal responsibility of educators, parents, and other members of the IEP team. This workshop explains the IEP process and the importance of parental participation. Learn helpful tips for writing effective IEP goals and strategies. YouTube https://youtu.be/vk82SakVyjM
Parent and Student’s Rights (Senate Bill 1108/850)
This workshop will discuss two pieces of legislation, Senate Bill 1108 (2013) on exceptional student education and Senate Bill 850 (2014) on persons with disabilities and Florida’s diploma options from 2014 to the present day. YouTube https://youtu.be/WSDeejPOHpU
Beginning the Journey 1 (birth - 36 months IDEA Part C)
Each child grows at an individual pace, but research shows that a child's first three years are the most important time for learning. Getting help early puts your child on the right path to learn and develop at their full potential. This training educates families on Early Intervention and how it is provided to support families and caregivers in developing the
competence and confidence to help their child learn and develop. YouTube https://youtu.be/nzlyvBvwtpEBeginning the Journey 2 (PreK 3 - K IDEA Part B)
Early Intervention is a key step in helping children who have been identified as having developmental delays succeed. But what happens after the 3rd birthday and your child transitions from early steps to the school system? In this presentation, we will go over step by step what to expect when your child is transitioning out of early steps with an IFSP and into the school system with their first IEP if they qualify. YouTube https://youtu.be/vAg-V4ZAkHM
Substitute to Supported Decision Making
Imagine having your capacity to make decisions, sign contracts, vote, defend your rights in court or choose medical treatments taken away simply because you have a disability. For many people with disabilities, this is a fact of life, and the consequences can be grave. When individuals lack the legal capacity to act, they are not only robbed of their right to equal recognition before the law, they are also robbed of their ability to defend and enjoy other human rights. Guardians and tutors acting on behalf of persons with disabilities sometimes fail to act in the interests of the individual they are representing; worse, they sometimes abuse their positions of authority, violating the rights of others. https://youtu.be/yM5XG1cYfwU
More Resources:
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)
CARD is based at the University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University and is one of seven state-funded, university-based outreach and support centers in Florida dedicated to optimizing the potential of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), dual sensory impairment, sensory impairments with other disabling conditions, and related disabilities. In addition to ASD, CARD also serves a variety of related disabilities including deaf-blindness, sensory impairments with other disabling conditions, developmental delays in children under 5 who also present with autistic-like behaviors, and genetic disorders that may co-exist with autism symptoms (e.g., Fragile X Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, Angelman Syndrome, among others). Over the years, CARD’s constituency has grown from 88 families in 1993 to over 9,000 families today in Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward counties.
Autism Society of the Keys (ASK)
Parent support groups meet in all three regions of the Florida Keys. ASK is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide support and services to children and families affected by autism to improve their quality of life.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal-state program that helps people who have physical or mental disabilities get or keep a job. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers. Passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act further supports VR efforts to prepare youth for success in the 21st century workforce through our Transition Youth Services. Click here to learn more about the STAR program.
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Project for South Florida
WIPA projects can provide information and support to help make a successful transition to work and financial independence. WIPA can help you:
- understand the rules of specific work incentives and how they apply to you.
- decide whether the Ticket to Work program is right for you.
- understand the potential benefits of employment as a person who receives disability benefits from Social Security while dispelling the myths about working.
- analyze how work and earnings may impact Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), health care, and other public benefits..
- understand the services provided by a state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency or an Employment Network (EN), and how they might fit best with your needs
- with problem solving and advocacy.
- with benefits support and planning/benefits management.
- with information and referral.
Contact: Lesly Quin, Project Director, 305-453-3491 llopez@cilofthekeys.org