• KWHS welcomed 8th graders from the middle schools in the Lower Keys on February 3, 2025.

    A presentation of what to expect at KWHS was provided, followed by a tour of the campus, overview of available Career & Technical Education (CTE) pathways, and a mini pep rally featuring the KWHS Marching Conchs, Cheer team and Conchettes. 

    The 8th graders learned about expectations and opportunities for athletics, student activities and more.  Please find the link to the presentation and student testimonials using the link below or copy and paste the web address.

    ***Students will complete the Elective Selection form provided by their middle school. Please consult the 2025-2026 Curriculum Guide for further explanations of each course available freshman year.

    KWHS School Counselors will be visiting each middle school the week of February 17th-20th to collect forms and meet with students. 

    Presentation Video: https://youtu.be/knZiEc1XNls

    2025-2026 KWHS Curriculum Guide