PBIS Expectations and School Information
The iBElieve program outlines behavior expectations for everyone in the Monroe County School District. Below, you will find a guidebook to help you understand these expectations fully and completely.
We hope everyone can achieve these expectations and help others to achieve them also. Examples of correct behavior are given and examples of what behaviors are not acceptable are presented as well to help students understand each expectation.
These expectations were developed to support the needs of our district by closely reviewing Office Discipline Referrals, talking with teachers and staff and working with our Strategic Planning Committee. When the expectations were completed, they were shared with each school’s faculty, staff and School Advisory Council for their input before being published here.
We hope that this brochure can be used as a guide to create a culture of excellence for everyone connected with our district schools.
Click on one of the links below to view a program guide and expectations:
iBElieve Program Guide- English iBElieve Expectations- English

Sarah E. Adams, MTSS Coordinator- Academics
sarah.adams@keysschools.comErin E. Williams, MTSS Coordinator- Behavior
erin.williams@keysschools.comExecutive Director Christina McPherson