Welcome to Stanley Switlik Elementary!

  • Enrollment applications are below. You may print them out and drop them off to our front office or you may email them to our registrar Ms. Kelly Qualls. Email Kelly.Qualls@KeysSchools.com or call 305-289-2490 x59300

    You must also provide the additional documents below.  Forms can be notarized in the front office with a valid drivers license. 

    The following information is required to complete the enrollment:

     Birth Certificate----- (Copy)
     Social Security Card--- (Copy)
     Florida Certificate of Immunization- (Shot Record)
     Florida School Physical-- (Out of State will accept within 9 months of
     Proof of Residence--- (lease agreement, mortgage acceptance letter, electric
    bill, letter from landlord).
     Proof of Custody if student does not live with both natural parents-- (Copy of
    legal documentation)
     Copy of Parent Picture ID --- (Both)

Stanley Switlik Elementary

  • Address:
    3400 Overseas Highway
    Marathon, FL 33050
    Phone: (305) 289-2490