School Start Times

  • Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

    Being on time and attending school regularly is critical for academic success.  



    Bus Riders

    K-5 Regular School Days- Parent Drop Off/ Pick Up 

    • Parent Drop off is between 8:10 & 8:25 AM 
    • All students arriving after 8:25 must enter through the front office and will be marked tardy (unless the parent provides a written excuse.) Please see the attendance policy in the Student Handbook for excused and unexcused absences/tardy. 
    • Students are expected in their homeroom classes by 8:25 AM
    • Breakfast is served in the Cafeteria until 8:30am

    Dismissal begins at 3:20. All students must be picked up by 3:30 PM.  


    Parent Drop off and Pick up












    Morning Drop Off - Cars are not allowed to park in the drop off lane during morning drop off. If you would like to walk your child to the entrance gates, please park in a parking spot to keep traffic moving. 

    Afternoon Parent Pick Up - Parents with students in grades 3, 4, & 5 are to stay in the interior lane (closest to the curb) and parents in K, 1, 2 should move to the outer lane to help with the traffic flow. 

    Early Dismissal Days

    • K-5 12:20 PM
    • HeadStart 11:00am
    • PreK 11:30 AM

    Office Hours

    8:00a.m - 4:00 p.m

Stanley Switlik Elementary

  • Address:
    3400 Overseas Highway
    Marathon, FL 33050
    Phone: (305) 289-2490