21st Century Afterschool
Afterschool Program Description
The 21st CCLC Afterschool Program provides supplemental instruction and support, and opportunities for personal enrichment to students at Gerald Adams Elementary and eligible Private School Students.
Afterschool Program Purpose
- Provide opportunities during afterschool hours for academic enrichment and personal enrichment.
- Offer students a broad array of additional services, programs and activities during after-school hours, such as youth development activities, service learning, Keys Culture, Keys History, Keys Arts, Keys Music, physical fitness and wellness programs, technology education programs, financial literacy programs, environmental literacy programs, mathematics, and science that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program of participating students.
- Offer families of students served by community learning centers opportunities for active and meaningful engagement in their children’s education, including opportunities for literacy and related educational development plus resources for mental health and wellness.
Target Students
- Gerald Adams Elementary students who need additional instruction to meet standards and or third grade promotion.
- Students who score red or require intervention in the STAR/FAST progress monitoring program. This progress monitoring is conducted three times per school year.
- Students recommended by teachers and school administrators including private school students.
- Priority for students affected by homelessness.
Target Schools
- This program targets students attending schools eligible for Title I program services and/or schools with at least 40% of the student body receiving free and reduced-price lunch.
- Private schools in the program area.
Afterschool Program Hours
- Monday through Thursday 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM Friday 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Summer School Program Hours
- June 3rd - July 17th, Monday through Friday from 8:15 am to 2:15 pm.
Important 21st Century Information
Attendance is mandatory for all students registered in the program. However, exceptions will be made based on parent communication. The 21st Century is not a drop-in program and students are expected to attend from start to finish each program day. If your student is experiencing any symptoms of illness, please notify Coach Henriquez, and keep your student at home.
Good behavior is expected in the after-school program as the program is a privilege. If issues arise and are re-occurring; dismissal from the program may result.
Parent Activities and Meetings 2024-25
Parent meetings will be held virtually and in person this school year to accommodate all of our families. Dates and topics are subject to change. Parent notification flyers and reminders will be sent out prior to the event.
- September 4th at 5:45 PM - Welcome Information and Program Expectations Night - RESCHEDULED TO 9/18
- November 7th at 5:45 PM Connecting with School and Community Resources
- November 20th at 5:45 PM - Healthy Eating with the SOS Foundation
- February 19th at 5:45 PM - A History of The Keys with Key West Art and Historical Society
- April 16th 5:45 PM - Shopping Smart with the SOS Foundation
- May 6th 5:45 PM - Keys Marine Science with Mote: Student Showcase
- May 20th 5:45 PM - Summer Information Night
Advisory Meeting Dates:
- 21st CCLC Advisory Meetings start at 5:45 PM (Children welcome)
- Advisory 1 - November 7th
- Advisory 2 - March 26th
For all parent meetings and events use the Google link to attend virtually: Join Parent Meetings Online
For questions about the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Narrative and Summative Evaluation Report, please contact:
Rachel Spencer, Rachel.Spencer@KeysSchools.com@KeysSchools.com
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Keys to Success
Gerald Adams Elementary
5855 College Rd
Key West, FL 33040Site Coordinators:
Ashley Henriquezashley.henriquez@keysschools.com
Tammy Orcutt