- Monroe County School District
- Parent Resources
- Universal Screener for Student Wellness
Universal Screener for Student Wellness
MCSD conducts a universal screening twice each school year, once in the fall and once in the spring, for students in grades 5-12. Students in these grades assess themselves in the following areas: challenging feelings, emotional regulation, grit, positive feelings, self-management, and well-being. Results are reviewed with other information to support students academically and personally, to celebrate successes, and to identify areas for growth. You can review the screeners using the links below:
Student Data and Opt Out Options
MCSD utilizes the Panorama Education data platform for all universal screenings. MCSD shares data directly with Panorama Education. No other parties have access to the data. Panorama Education complies with all applicable federal laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), as well as state and local regulations concerning student data. Panorama Education protects all data from unauthorized access. For students in grades 5-12 all students will be universally screened for wellness unless you choose to opt your child out. If you would like to opt-out, complete the opt out form below and return to your child’s school.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I see my child’s screening results?
Yes. If you would like an individual score report, please contact your child’s school and it will be provided to you. If you would like to meet in person to review results, contact your child’s school and a meeting will be set up between you and one of their student wellness team members.
Are there any questions on the survey asking about my child’s gender, sexual identity or race?
No, there are no questions asking students about their gender, sexual identity or race.
What if I do not want my child to participate in the screening?
Please complete the opt-out form above and return to your child’s school. For students who are opted-out of the screener, the only data we share with Panorama Education is the student’s name, student ID, school and grade level. This allows Panorama Education to confirm that all students who are opted-out of the screener are removed from their distribution list and do not receive a link to the screener.
What happens after the screening?
The screener provides a first look at areas in which students may need extra support. Teachers use this information, along with other data, to better understand their student’s strengths and weaknesses. This helps us plan targeted instruction or intervention if needed.
What happens if results show my child has a weakness or is struggling in one of the areas screened?
MCSD utilizes a Response to Intervention (RTI) process that is a part of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework. Universal screening data is used in conjunction with several other data sources to determine the level of support each student requires. If your child is identified as needing more than our core curriculum you will be notified and will be involved in every part of the intervention plan process. For more information on our MTSS framework please see our Parent Guide to MTSS. It is available in English, Haitain Creole, and Spanish.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the screening?
Please contact Dr. Erin Williams, Coordinator of Student Support, at erin.williams@keysschools.com or 305-293-1400 x 53345.
Dr. Erin Williams, Coordinator of Student Support
Email: erin.williams@keysschools.com
Phone: 305-293-1400 x 53345